

Bookkeeping and preparation of Financial Statements

We offer a variety of services for all sizes of companies, whether self-employed or larger companies that want to outsource the accounting or part of it.

We offer bookkeeping, accounting advise, payroll processing, VAT returns, assistance with accounting reconciliations in connection with settlement, settlement and preparation of annual accounts.

Our involvement may also be temporary. During the year, the workload in accounting or settlement work can fluctuate, and then it can be a desirable option to receive temporary assistance.

In the same way, sometimes unfinished projects want to accumulate, waiting for a suitable time to start, but it is difficult to find this suitable time. Under these circumstances, the best solution is to get outside help from a party who is not involved in the case to carry it out.


Audit of Financial Statements is based on applicable laws, regulations and international standards (ISA) and should be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and ethics. Good auditing practice includes auditing professional criticism, honesty, impartiality, confidentiality, professional competence and prudence in the execution of projects.

Our audit is based on an efficient and cost-effective approach.

Financial Services

We have excellent specialists who can take on temporary replacements in companies in the field of accounting and financial management.

We offer musicians and companies a business manager who takes care of everything related to finances, e.g. overseeing accounting, payments, collection, tax matters and communication with the main stakeholders, both domestic and foreign. Is a cost-effective option to have an overview of finances, accounting and tax matters.

Tax and company law services

Services are offered in the field of tax advice and company law. We provide general tax advice, assistance with tax calculations, tax returns, audits of VAT matters, communication with the tax authorities and guidelines on free and special registration of VAT.

We also offer assistance in the formation of companies, mergers, acquisitions, liquidations, increases or decreases in share capital, to name but a few.

We provide assistance with tax returns for individuals as well as companies.

Phone: 587 9550
Suðurlandsbraut 22
